Concrete (Left) Varying the pressure of tan and peach colors, in different direc­tions, helps create a mottled character. (Right) A single color, with varied pressures in opposite 45-degree direc­tions, implies subtle changes in value. Concrete (Left) Grays and tans can be mixed to­gether, with varied pressures, to indicate different shades of colored concrete. (Right) Tans […]


Figure 15-4 illustrates the color effects of Sanford Prismacolor Pencils. Figure 15—5 illustrates the effects of various black markers. Figure 15-4 Sanford Prismacolor Pencils 1. Spring Green PC 913 11. Rose PC 929 2. Apple Green PC 912 12. Lilac PC 956 3. Grass Green PC 909 13. Light Cerulean Blue PC 904 4. Peacock […]

Rendering Landscape Design Drawings in Color

INTRODUCTION Landscape design includes the development of plans, sections, elevations, and some­times perspective sketches. These are key tools to help clients understand the pro­posed design. The more convincing the drawings are in depicting content and charac­ter, the easier it will be to sell the design. It goes without saying that good graphic quality is essential […]

Side Yard

Existing (Figure 14-38, left) This side yard is like many other narrow side yards. It seems just large enough to include a variety of shrubs along the side of the house, dif­ferent shrubs along the fence line, a walkway through and into the front yard, and a few trees placed near the property line. Oftentimes, […]