Category: Design for Outdoor Recreation

Laminated paper

Printed paper can be encapsulated in a hard-wearing resin to produce a durable and high – quality result. The printing can include photographs, and if an ultraviolet filter is inserted the problems of colour fading in sunlight can be reduced. These resin laminates, when bonded onto a plywood or fibreglass base, are resistant to scratches […]

The medium

To convey the message, a medium is required. There are two main possibilities: leaflets or signboards. Leaflets are an important alternative or supplement to fixed signs. They can be reprinted annually with up-to-date information. As they are carried around by the visitors, they can be easily referred to at any time. Their preparation requires skill […]

The arrival

The culmination of the journey—the arrival at the main destination—is now at hand. After all the careful development of the landscape and provision of information along the way, the first experience on arrival must live up to its promise. How this is handled depends on what is there. If it is a natural wonder such […]

On the road

The next stage of the visit is travelling to the destination. Most people travel to the outdoors by car. In many places the distances involved and the lack of alternative transport methods make this unavoidable. In some cases float planes or boats are used. There are also places where access on foot, by bicycle, horseback […]