Super Summary and Checklists

Basic Checklist 489

Detailed Checklist 490


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here’s a lot to keep in mind when de­veloping new products and services sustainably. In the beginning, it’s dif­ficult to consider every strategy or principle or balance every aspect of impact. So, as you gain more and more experience designing sustain­ably, here are two sets of checklists to use. The first is very reduced but helpful since it encom­passes the most important concepts to con­sider. The second is more detailed and can be used further along in the development process.

Basic Checklist

• Create More (value, meaning, and perfor­mance) with Less (materials, energy, and virgin materials).

• Focus on efficient and healthy alterna­tives. [91]

• Don’t use PVC at all (or wherever there’s an alternative).

• Design solutions to be savored.

Updated: October 11, 2015 — 12:10 pm