1 Making the jig

To bore pocket holes on the drill press, use this jig made from %-inch plywood and two small pieces of solid stock. Refer to the illustration at left for suggested dimensions. Screw the two sides of the cradle together to form an L. Then cut a 90° angle wedge from each support bracket so that the wide side of the cradle will sit at an angle of about 20° from the vertical. Screw the brackets to the jig base and attach the cradle to the brackets.



Drilling pocket holes

Seat the workpiece in the cradle with the side to be drilled facing out and the top edge sitting in the V of the cradle. Bore the holes in two steps with two dif­ferent bits: a Forstner bit slightly larger than the diameter of the screw heads, so they can be recessed, and a brad-point bit a little larger than the screw shanks to allow for wood movement. Install the brad-point bit in the chuck and position the jig on the drill press table so the bit aligns with the center of the bottom edge of the workpiece (inset). Clamp the jig to the table and replace the brad-point bit with the Forstner. Holding the workpiece firmly in the jig, feed the bit slowly to bore each hole just deep enough to recess the screw heads (right). To complete the pock­et holes, reinstall the brad-point bit and bore through the workpiece.

Updated: March 11, 2016 — 2:33 am