Category: The Dynamic Landscape


However important it may be to start off with the right habitat, for the development and preservation of the desired vegetation appropriate maintenance and management methods are just as essential. The crucial point in the maintenance of flower meadows is mowing and carrying off the hay that is produced. This is absolutely vital not only […]

Perennial meadows

After the preparation of the desired habitat (a subject dealt with elsewhere in this book) and planting and/or sowing, a period of waiting patiently and monitoring the coming developments starts. Slowly and gradually, the vegetation develops; as a rule, the more gradual it is, the better the results, typically due to the reduced influence of […]

Maintenance and management

Shortly after the planting of the desired species, maintenance commences. As the sown and planted species start growing, so do the unwanted species, in quite a range: Poa annua, Cardamine hirsuta, Cerastium fontanum spp. vulgare, Cardamine pratensis, Epilobium species and Ranunculus repens are but a few examples. As soon as they can be recognised, they […]

Variations in management

For this type of vegetation, daily care also consists mainly of removing unwanted species or intervening by allowing them to go to seed or not, or to proliferate, by planting and replanting and, last but not least, monitoring its development. Open grounds with refined species such as thyme, pinks, stonecrops, sundew, bog asphodel or Viola […]

Insertion method

The insertion of herbaceous species can be performed by either sowing or planting them. One usually sows clean seeds, but for some species freshly picked berries or seed heads with ripening seeds can be used as well. Both in sowing and in planting one should pay attention to the following points. – Sow or plant […]

More rough and extensive

Woodland plantings with a rougher character and more extensive maintenance require a completely different management approach. How does one achieve an undergrowth that is rich in herbs in such plantings? The answer to this question is threefold: through spontaneous development, by deliberately inserting plants, or by using a combination of the two. When one lets […]