Once acquired, the site must be put to use in a manner that will maxi­mize the return on capital. Space must be assigned to each of the major areas of the business. For example, a retail business such as a garden center usually requires areas for 1. customer sales and product display (indoors and outdoors). […]

Buying an Established Business

An alternative to beginning a business from the ground up is to pur­chase an established operation. In many cases, the cost of entry into the profession can be reduced if an established business can be purchased at a sacrifice price. A horticulture operation will usually be put up for sale for one of three reasons: […]

Using Your Own Money

You should use your personal savings as much as possible in starting a new business. There are two main reasons for this. First, there is no interest charge when you use your own money. If money is also invested by family or friends, it can be with the written understanding that no interest will be […]


For someone considering a new business, the initial excitement of plans and dreams can be quickly replaced by the realities of financing. Where does the money come from to start a business? How much is necessary to start and support the business until it begins to show a profit? Since there is no predetermined period […]


The desire to start a business is not enough to ensure its success, even when the owner has enough capital to get the business started properly. Hard work, great talent, and the support of family and friends will not guarantee the survival of a business. Simply stated, the success of a business depends on enough […]


Corporations are the third form of business operation. A corporation is the most public method of doing business and more governed by state and federal laws than are sole proprietorships or partnerships. More expense is involved in establishing a corporation, but it is not excessive. The corporation is given its legal life by the state, […]


A partnership is a business engaged in by two or more persons. It is also a common form of business in ornamental horticulture. It works best when the partners have interests and abilities that complement rather than duplicate each other. For example, a flower shop partnership might involve one partner with an interest in design […]


Once the decision is made to begin a business or to reorganize an exist­ing firm, another decision must be made: how the business will be legally organized. Three types of organization are common: the sole proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. Each type has cer­tain advantages. Sole Proprietorship The sole proprietorship is the simplest form […]