Beautiful designer furniture. The ideas of furniture design and interior design of apartments and residential premises. Sofas, tables, chairs, cabinets, furniture for bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms ...
Family of designers (Milo and Ben) decided to decorate walls and here that from this left. In the beginning it should be arranged four posters, it is simple to hang up them on a wall – very sour invention, besides Joseph Muler-Brukmans Grid Systems
Vinyl stickers are quick, usual and rather cheap method promptly to change an interior though what room and to give it feature. The British company InteriorStickers does interior color stickers on glutinous base which can be pasted on actually any smooth
All Ikea, moderately inexpensive, moderately severely is good. One small defect – that that was got by you, will buy still 10-ki тыщ the person. How to fight with similarity? A good exit – vinyl stickers on furniture. Was as at all – became only at you
The designer of Annie Sloan became skilled in updating of an interior and even published the book 50 step-by-step instructions how to change your house here that it writes about wall-paper: if you have on walls expensive high-quality wall
Than to decorate walls? It is possible cardboard wall-paper, it is possible stickers and stickers on walls, and here the designer living in Tallinn and hot Estonian young man Pavel Sidorenko does by the hands a unique wall clock of starenky vinyl records
When photowall-paper or vinyl stickers on a wall look in particular impressively? If to paste a floret silhouette on a wall – it becomes only some element of a decor, maybe, even fine, and suitable to all other situation. But, rather excellent interiors
Lets have a talk about wall-paper for walls. That it: the nightmare of design and a remnant of Russian times, or after all wall-paper have the real right to exist in a modern interior. We will make out receptions which will promote below to resolve