Category: Design for Outdoor Recreation


There may be natural areas of free-standing rocks, which allow nimble walkers to jump or step from one to another, improved if necessary by rocks placed to fill wide gaps. Such areas should be chosen where the rock is rough, and not colonized by slippery algae. Stepping-stones can also be placed in stream crossings, where […]

Stream crossings

In most circumstances where water has to be crossed special structures should be provided, such as culverts as previously described, some kind of ford, stepping-stones or other informal means, or bridges. In wilder, more rugged terrain, where primitive experiences and a greater expectation of self­reliance on the part of visitors are expected, crossing streams can […]


Handrails serve two functions: as aids to negotiating difficult sections of the trail, such as steep pitches or steps, and as safety barriers to prevent people from falling. Along most paths, handrails should be unnecessary, but they are needed where steps are steep, where boardwalks or bridges are raised more than 500 mm (18 in.) […]

Other forms

Other forms of steps that are found in severe terrain include steel ladders bolted to rock faces, and iron steps set into rock. Such sections are almost always on pitches where rock­climbing skills are needed. They are not for the faint-hearted, but they do give non-climbers a taste for exciting ascents and Г^-П фІ-   […]


This can be used in a number of ways. One version to be avoided is the use of round or half-round timber as edge retainers. These offer no grip, and under wet conditions they are extremely slippery and dangerous. Steps have frequently been constructed of stout sawn boards laid on their edges to form a […]

Natural stone

This is the best, most hard-wearing material, which blends into many landscapes. In the most rugged and mountainous terrain, steps can be very irregular in size and shape, so that they Stone paving: (a) A section and plan of paving using natural stone. A level surface is achieved by laying the irregular stones at various […]