The answers provided by the villagers who took part in the survey to the question “What are the reasons for shortness of staying periods of ecotourists that have visited the region so far?” were as follows: the lack of cooperation, collaboration, and solidarity between the segments of ecotourism activity (27.9 %), the contracts of tour agencies that were concluded with ecotourists (24.6 %), lack of sufficient publication and communication services (16.4 %), ineffectiveness of promotion activities (14.8 %), that activities are concentrated in only certain months of the year (11.5 %), insufficient social activities in the region (3.3 %), and that vacation concepts of the ecotourists who visit the region differ (1.6 %).
As a result of the chi-square compliance test conducted to see whether the frequencies of the classes created about the results of the classification of the reasons for shortness of the stay of ecotourists, it is seen in Table 15.8 that the H0 hypothesis is rejected with 95 % statistical reliability and that there is a significant difference between the answers (chi-square calculation = 24,951, p < 0.05) and that answers were not distributed homogeneously.
According to this result, it can be understood that frequencies of visit periods of the ecotourists is not distributed evenly between classes.
Table 15.8 Chi-square results of the distribution of findings as concerns the shortness of stay periods of ecotourists
Source: Aydin (2010) aO cells, (,0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 8,7. |