BEFORE 1700-1748


he stamp ‘F. L.’ stands for Frangois Lieutaud. the grandfather of Balthazar Lieutaud. Born in Marseille. Frangois Lieutaud became a master ebeniste towards the end of the seventeenth century. From his marriage with Catherine Autran he had a son. Charles Lieutaud, who also became an ebe­niste. settling in Paris where he married Etienette Dumondel in 1709. in the privileged precincts of the Abbey of Saint-Jean de Latran where his father later joined him. There were connections between the lat­
ter and A.-C. Boulle in about 1719, as he cites him as a personal expert-witness during legal proceedings at the time. These legal records reveal that Lieutaud cast his own bronze mounts for his furniture.


Updated: September 27, 2015 — 8:44 am