Category: Furniture of the eighteenth century


To summarize, the antecedents of Boston ЬотЫ furniture arose 011 the Continent, Stemming from Italian design sources, the bombe cascpiecc was transformed into contemporary usage by French cabi­netmakers, then adopted and reinterpreted by English taste, tradi­tion, and Craftsmanship before it was accepted in colonial America, In the manner peculiar to the arts, the bomb£ form […]


The makers of only four pieces of boston bombe furniture have been identified. Л desk and bookcase, signed by Benjamin Frothing ham and dated 1753, is the earliest documented example of the bombe form in Boston (fig. 97). An unusual bomb£ desk and bookcase widi paw feet and a squatty upper section is bbclled by […]


Any study of Boston bombd furniture is dependent upon correct identification. Since few examples bear labels or other inscriptions identifying makers, a dose inspection of the inner construction and identification of the d і Accent woods is as necessary for the full under­standing of a piece of furniture as is the analysis of the exterior […]


The sources oi American bombf furniture present a complex prob­lem. The first native manifestation of Bostonians’ taste for the curvi­linear baroque style is found in silver. With its easy transportability, inherent value, and strong dependence on Continental design, silver 4. Desmond Rlr-GcTald, Geetfran Furniture (London, 1969), fig. 11. 5. Chippendale ііїо imported French furniiure; Edward […]