Pressure gauge

Operating pressure of sprinkler head within system requires to be obtained steady. Since changes such as increase or decrease to be occurred in operating pressure affect flow value to be ejected by heads, they prevent corresponding water diffusion from being provided. Due to over pressure to be applied in irrigation units, it causes occurrence of breakdown. In addition, probability of occlusion in fertilization tank can be detected through pressure gauge placed in front of and at the end of fertilization tank. Thus, pressure value is constantly kept under control through manometers to be placed in system control unit. Pressure regulators

Pressure regulators are equipments that provide irrigation in constant volume, preventing pressure fluctuation within system. Inappropriate choice of pressure regulator for system causes to be defected by loading excessively over system units. Also, irregular, inadequate or high pressure cause breakdown of corresponding water diffusion and unnecessary additional irrigation. Pressure regulator generally used in control unit may be used before manifolds in main systems if required.

Updated: October 16, 2015 — 1:37 am