Since its invention early in the 20th Century, the router has become one of the most popular portable power tools—and with good reason. Few tools can match its speed, accuracy, and versatility for shaping wood or cutting joints. But jigs are almost a necessity; although the router can be used freehand, most cuts require a guide—particularly repeat cuts.
The jigs featured in this chapter provide various ways of obtaining quick and precise results from your router. Some, like the dadoing jigs shown beginning on page 16, reduce the setup time for simple procedures. Others, like the lap joint jig on page 27, allow the tool to produce multiple copies of the same joint in a few minutes. A relatively new woodworking development, vacuum- powered accessories (page 34) eliminate the need for conventional clamps when routing patterns using a template. The vacuum pump is also useful for securing featherboards to a router table. All of these jigs are easy and inexpensive to build.
The router’s larger cousin, the shaper, can perform many operations better than the smaller tool, but it is generally regarded as one of the most dangerous tools in the typical woodshop. A shop – made featherboard (page 32) and guards (page 33) will make it a safer tool.
Aided by a simple jig, a table-mounted router cuts a perfect box joint.
Fence-mounted shaper guard (page 33)
L-shaped guard protects user during fence – guided shaping operations; features view hole
Adjustable circlecutting jig (page 20)
Used with router to cut circles. Screw is fixed to center of circle; radius determined by distance between screw and bit
Compass jig (page 20)
Hardboard fixture attached to router base plate to guide tool around circular cuts
Adjustable routing ‘A; guide (page 25)
Adjustable edge guides used with router to cut rectangular grooves; tern plates can be added to rout patterns
Adjustable dadoing jig (page 19)
Secures workpieces of varying widths for dado cuts s’