Powers of 10 Three: Blending Machines

The modified water molecules can float, but not permanently; even­tually, they settle to the bottom of the mixture unless they are stirred. in a refinery, the goal is to have the blending machine on-site, mixing the fuel only as it is sent to the burner. All of a sudden, there are many people who need to care about the EHF product. The key customer to Lubrizol is the plant manager and buyer who make decisions regarding the fuel (including whether to purchase it). These key cus­tomers’ concerns have always been of Lubrizol’s target. But there is also the person who maintains the boiler and the new mixing unit. The ability for this person, and others like him, to incorporate the new product into his work routine is critical to the product’s long­term success. How will he react? Because stakeholders are real people with their own individual goals, needs, egos, and viewpoints, rich descriptions of stakeholders are used within the Powers of 10 analysis through scenarios to reveal insights into how stakeholders can facilitate or hinder the progress of new products. Anticipating stakeholders’ needs affects the product design itself; companies want their products to be widely appreciated and accepted.

Consider Eric, who is responsible for maintaining several boilers in the plant. How will he react? One attribute of the product is that it can be burned by current boilers without having any retrofit. one approach the company can take is to have the refinery try out EHF on a single boiler. They can observe the burn and emissions. if they are not happy, they can just bypass it and go back to their original setup. The blending mechanism is intimidating to Eric. The chem­istry is unfamiliar to him; he works with mechanical things. He is skeptical about the EHF product, and he now has one more job to do in maintaining the equipment. Does he know that maintenance is low and Lubrizol support will always be available, 24/7? Lubrizol antici­pated the concerns of maintenance guys like Eric and instituted a support program that is available any time, any day. Eric is curious about the white liquid, and wouldn’t believe it if he didn’t see the results himself. The flame looks better than he has ever seen it burn, and the machines are clean. Eric can tell his family and friends that the plant has made an effort to be more efficient and reduce pollu­tion that is harmful to the environment.

Updated: October 3, 2015 — 6:52 pm