In our post: the computer table the hands is a lot of most various models. Usually founders aspire to make the workplace very modern. Absolutely on other way Evgeny Afonasyev from Sarov’s small town, the master of creation of unique author’s products from skin went. Here that Evgeny on own website writes:
The piano of "Lyric poet" of production of capital combine of muses was taken for base of this ridiculous construction. tools. Once it costed 690 rub and was a subject of pride of my acquaintances and object of hatred of their neighbors. Eventually need for this wonderful tool was gone, and it seems as, according to the former owners, it was not adjusted, or there a bed led, or still something. I tell it for those who will try to call me the vandal and a gromitel of subjects of musical art generally the former owners thirsted to get rid of this absolutely inutile and rather namozolivshy eyes of a slice of a tree and cast iron. I could not such allow to occur and with pleasure took away all this business for myself. It is necessary to tell what to take away a piano is not a spoon in cafe in a pocket to put. The help of friends and, obviously was required, did not leave without special spells, prizyvaniye of various mythological creations with all their relatives to the 7th knee to the aid Who dragged a piano – will acquire. Because the bed was not necessary to me, and it makes окло 70 % of weight of a piano attempt to remove it before concrete lifting to me was made. Neighbors were shocked with order, watching our manipulations with stock with introduction of a hammer, an axe and still various pieces of iron and what was a sound! Generally business was at a deadlock, therefore as the bed appeared приверчена in one and a half-two tens screws of the impressing sizes so it is not enough of that, the highest part of a bed was also is tightly planted on epoksidny pitch! Not without efforts and repeated the tool was delivered by an appeal of spirits to me to the apartment.
Next day of sufferings. I after all removed a bed, removed all the rest more precisely, having left that slice of cast iron on a place, and then collected everything ponovy. It is impossible to tell that repeated rigid contact of axes and a piano was not heard by neighbors Well so here, having collected everything ponovy, I to be understood considerably changed a configuration of components on purpose to use the former piano on own brand new mission. The design was defined by esthetics (in any case from my point of view), functionality and ergonomics. Works were executed with the pleasure, quite good mood and probable accuracy. For example, the rectangular opening under a drive of DVD disks was executed with that accuracy that the drive can be thrust only on the one hand and it does not slip further at the expense of a mask ledge, height no more two-three 10th mm and it in a board of almost three-centimetric thickness with introduction usual ратфиля. Well it is good, was fond of details, happens … Further I will write on ability shortly.
The monitor was suspended to a back wall on a mobile arm that allowed to remove a leg basis not being entered on stylistics impudently. The case too was not entered from among the same judgments – was decided to make a mask of brass which, sobsno it is perfectly perceptible on a photo, but about it later. Buttons from a piano too were not gone, and took place 3 sections round the monitor. It was necessary to place the computer and everything to connect.
That left, completely suits me according to all declared characteristics. In – 1-x, ergonomically, the keyboard is at the best height, the design of "table" is closed from the 3rd parties, on it anything never will fall down for it and it is simple more comfortably. Wires anywhere do not irritate an eye. Buttons of suitable functions of use are taken out by the unit in separate section under the right column. The reddish button switches off/includes a food of all unit (at the switched-off condition – receives medical treatment). The yellowish button switches off columns if the calm is required, generally on the keyboard there is such button, but it works not to a descent if the computer in waiting mode, and music plays. The greenish button includes a desk lamp in the form of a stimpank-helmet. The black round – the button of inclusion of a sistemnik.
On the top fotorgafiya (a view from lateral face) the monitor mask is perfectly visible. Because it polished, at photography ahead bezizbezhno gets to a shot reflection and patches of light. Not including that, the neon lamps attached to a back wall and hidden from the user by the monitor that excludes a direct hit of light in eyes here are visible. As well as in all design of a wire are covered, in this case it is possible to see the copper tubes going from lamps to the case.
On a photo at the left a desk lamp in "cap". Actually the last is Stimpank a helmet «Sumashedshy an ognemyotchik», made by me from skin. On questions: "why eyes do not shine?", which sets every 2nd at me there is a reasonable answer that it is uncomfortable, when the lamp shines not down, and in an eye! I opposite, under glasses of a helmet put demountable caps. On same a photo it is possible to direct attention to polishing of a mask of the monitor in what the part of a helmet is reflected.
In this photo the button of turning on of the monitor is carefully shown. The axis of the button is placed in a copper tube on which the holder of the lens is dressed, capable to turn round an axis of the button and to be fixed in any situation. The friction for fixing is created by a spring dressed on a tube. The lens can turn concerning the holder and is fixed by the screw
Well and as a result hunting to show as looks this unit in a haze. On a photo neon illumination and a desk lamp on the right is included. It is completely enough this light to read, write etc. At the switched-off desk lamp it is possible to throw neon light. Green myagenky illumination because of the monitor softens a light picture in criteria of contrast change of the image. It is enough this small light for illumination of phone, small records. As to the necessary light for printing as practice showed, light from the monitor simply suffices and at absolutely switched off illumination in view of a successful mutual arrangement of the monitor and the keyboard.