One North Park

Landscape Design : W<4t ft itvm design & landscape лгг. МесЛик • Adrlann Оеще jerry van Eyr> Freek Boorwinkei. Riotte Bosch Marco van do» Piu/rp Eve Rot>oc. i* Jung Yoon Kini Location : Singapore Landscape Area 33,000m’0 parce – 0* 15 Parcels! I Design Year : 200? | Completed Year: ?006lph<ise I)

The One-North development in Singapore can be seen as one of the most exceptional and exciting urban developments worldwide. High density, a total mix of functions and a superb green lung combine to create a benchmark for new development on the island.


Walking or cycling along the esplanade, the park with its beautiful micro-topography and picturesque green collec­tion unfolds itself Traveling the winding route, one discovers various expected and unexpected events. The path provides a convenient place in the shade and half-shade during the day. At strategic short cut locations covered es­calators and travelators provide convenient ascension in the hot sun

Always flanked by native flowers with saturated colors, the path leads its walker along cascading waterfalls and spectacular water features. The esplanade will act as a central promenade of possibilities: a Singaporean Snake that unfurls through expenence. Bridges in the park are treated as a continuum to the esplanade. They are envis­aged as providing a fluidity in the promenade, a continuous path that defines a separate elevational line, a line that can delaminate from the topography to cross traffic routes, provide pedestrian access and vantage points.


The existing domestic vegetation is preserved, enhanced and purified.

Л special forest appearance is captured in the ficus forest’, the ‘blossom forest’ and the ‘frangipani valley’ at loca­tions that demand extra treatment. At various other locations a playfull echo of the native iconic trees and plants can be found, such as the ‘rolling bougainvillea hill’ or the iconic trees on and around the entrance plazas.

One of the most remarkable botanical features in the park is the ‘pattern’ of sanseveria shrubs throughout the park This pattern forms a binding theme for the park.


Water us a major ingredient in design of the One North Park As such all water that falls on the site, stays on the site. The park will highlight different water conditions and provide integrated sustainable exemplars. An original fea­ture is to be the water mattress a 140m long water feature, situated on the slope of a hill, with hundreds of jets that produce an impression of water moving up-hill.

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Updated: October 3, 2015 — 12:54 am