This is the workstation from which emergency running of the equipment can be performed. Workstation for planning and Documentation
This is the workstation at which the operation and maintenance of the engine room and engine control room are planned. Workstation for Administrative duties
This is the workstation at which members of the crew do administrative tasks such as e-mail and correspondence, the planning of maintenance work, inventory of available spare parts, and ordering of spare parts. If at all possible, taking into account manning restrictions, these duties should be performed at another location away from the control room. Workstation for safety
This is the workstation at which all safety-related duties can be performed. These include such duties as the operation of fire pumps and monitoring of the fire alarm systems. Workstation for Communication
This is the workstation from which communication to the bridge as well as external communication can be performed. Workstation for the stand-by area
This is the workstation where waiting time can be used.