MASTER 1723; ДСП VE 1724-50


ard became a master on 16 February 1723 by the purchase of one of the eight masterships created at the coronation of Louis XV. His stamp is found on a wide variety of furniture: a bureau plat in amaranth in the Bensimon Collection, very close to the work of Cressent; a table in the Ojjeh sale in the manner of Latz; a commode in the Swedish Royal Collections. This last piece is adorned with highly original mounts and may be dated to the 1730s. Two further commodes, identical to one another and both stamped by Card, also date from the 1730s. One is in the Munich Residenz, and the other was sold in Paris on 12 June 1973. lot 127. The one in Munich has the trade label of the marchand-mercier Calley, rue de la Monnaie at the sign ‘A la Descente du Pont Neuf. The diversity of Carel’s output makes it probable that


Daniel Meyer: ‘Un secretaire de Mesdames Sophie et Louise de France’. Revue du Louvre. 1970 Jean-Neree Ronfort: ‘Choisy et la commode du roi’. L’Estampille, October 1988. p. 27. note 27


[110/ Commode attributed to Corel, с. 1730, veneered in feinguxwJ, decorated on the sides with bas-reliefs of Apolk> and Diana. (Galerie Aveline, Paris)

ЦПI Encoignure, one of a pair, с. 1740, stamped both Card and I. D. F. (Jean-David Fortanier/, in bois satire and

kingwood. (Sotheby’s London, 30 June 197S, subsequently Galerie Perrin, ParisI

11 13/ Secretaire en pente stamped Carel, с. 1750, decorated with floral marquetry on a bois sating ground, supplied by Gaudreaus in 1 751 for Louis XV’s daughters at Versailles, delivery nos 1640-2. (Musee de Versailles}
(114/ Writing-table stamped Carel, c. 1750, with floral marquetry. (Formerly in the Ojjeh Collection; sale Sotheby’s Monaco, 25 June 1979, lot 1951

11151 Commode stamped Carel, c. 1750, with floral marquetry in bois de bout on a bois saline ground. (Frick Collection, New YorkI


Updated: September 28, 2015 — 11:35 pm