same capitals of laurel festoons.

Another scries of smaller desks with marquetry with gilt-bronze drapery motifs at the corners some­times bears Montigny’s stamp, and sometimes that of Dubois, for whom Montigny must have worked. As a number of other pieces bear both their stamps it seems that they were commissioned by or sold to Dubois from Montigny. This is the case with a lacquer commode at VVaddesdon Manor identical to other furniture by Dubois, and with a low cabinet in ebony in the Wallace Collection (its pair is stamped by Levasseur with whom Dubois must have placed the second order). Montigny was related to Rene Dubois, being his first cousin and exact contemporary (both were born in 1734): in 1772 he was a witness at Dubois’s marriage. Montigny ‘also makes clockcases

/344J Bureau stamped Montigny, which can be dated around 1765- 70, as on 12 March 1765 the dealer Poirier supplied ‘a bureau d la grecque’ of this type to the Earl of Coventry. (Private collection}

[345] (below) Small bureau plat stamped Montigny, c. 1775-80, in tulipiwod and sycamore stained green; the drapery frieze is reminiscent of Carlin. IMusee du Ijouvre, Paris; Grog Bequest)

of various sorts’ according to his trade label, and he made furniture for Jean-Fran^ois Coulon who had a shop. ‘A la Toilette Royale’, in the rue Princesse. Montigny died on 24 June 1800.


F. de Salverte: Les fcbenistes, pp. 237-38 Geoffrey dc Bellaigue, in: The James Л de Rothschild Collection at Waddesdon Manor, vol. II. p. 878 1347/ (opposite) This secretaire a abattant stamped Montigny is a Boulle pastiche constructed with old panels of marquetry, incorporated in a Neo-classical framework. It appeared in the M. de Billy sale in 1784 and subsequently in the Comte de Vaudreuil sale in 1787. (J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, California)




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as one in the Louvre {42J while for the fall – front he reused an old marquetry panel, probably from a table.

I his piece appeared in the Comte du Luc sale in 1777, which dates it around 1770- 75. (British Royal Collection)


Updated: October 9, 2015 — 6:59 pm