Burr Oak, Qurretu mactotuTpa, also called Mossy Cup Oak
Diameter 6′-7′, Heavy; strong; tough; close-grained; strong in bending and endwise compression; high in shock resistance; stifT; tendency to have cuchantcnmg; machines well; finishes smooth; glues well; tendency to split along the rays; very durable; dark or rich light brown. It ranged front New Brunswick to the valley of the Petiobscot River, Maine, Vermonr, western Massachusetts.
White Oak, Quercus alba
Diameter 3 ‘-4’ Same properties asQ. mactocotpa. It ranged from southern Maine re Florida.
Post Oak, Quettus OeUnia
Diameter 3-1Same properties as above species, but also somewhat like the Black Ash (Primлій ‘rtjjrj); spins well tangentially; used for making baskets and splint seats. It ranged front Cape Cod and islands of southern Massachusetts to Florida.
Balsam Poplar, Populus tatmwh<xta, also called Poplar and Taamahac
Diameter 6′-7′ Light; moderately soft; weak; low in shock resistance; usually straight-grained; easy re moderately hard to work with tools; glues well; takes paint fairly well; light brown with thick nearly white sap wood. It ranged from Labrador through northern New1 England.
Swamp Poplah. pttpulus hcicrophylla, also called Swamp Cottonwood and Black Cottonwood
Diameter3 -3Same properties as the above except dial it is a much darker brown. It ranged From Connecticut and Rhode Island to Florida.
Quaking Aspen, Populits trntiubides, also called Trembling Aspen
Diameter іЯ’-зо’. Same properties as the above except that the color is creamy to very light greyish brown; has a silken luster and a finer icxture. It ranged from Labrador to Pennsylvania.
Red Gum, Liquidambcr siyracijlua, also called Sweet Gum and Bilstcd
Diameter 4’sJ. Heavy; fairly hard; straight and sometimes interlocked grain;
moderately strong in bending and endwise compression; moderately high in shock
Entrance; works fairly well with hand took; nuns exceedingly well; tikes paint an J wains well; has an unusually thick sap wood (sixty to seventy layers of annual growth) of light yellow to almost white; heart wood of carneous grey 10 varying shades of reddish brown. It ranged from Fairfield County. Connecticut, to southeastern Pennsylvania.
Red Mulberry, Afonir rubra
Diameter Heavy to light; hard to soft; strong; rather tough; coarse-grained; very durable; machines well; works well under tools; glues Well; orange-yellow to golden brown, ttinting a reddish brown upon exposure. It ranged from western Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Long Island ro Florida.
Sassafras. Sassafras ittbidum
Diameter up ro 6′. Moderately heavy; moderately hard; very high in shock ro sistanor; coarse-grained; machines well; finishes well; very durable; dull orango brown to greyish brown or dark brown. It ranged from southern Maine and eastern Massachusetts and southern Vermont to central Florida.
Service Berry, Atntlauhier canadensis Med., also called Shad Brisk
Diameter 12′-18′. Heavy: exceedingly hard; close-grained; dark brown sometimes tinged with red – It ranged from the valley of the Penobscot River, Maine, the valley of the Connecticut River (central Vermont, southern New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut) through western Massachusetts ro Florida.
Service В виьу, Aniefartekitr taevis Wieg.
Diameter ti’-iS’. Same as A. tanadamsaccept that it ranges front Newfoundland through New England to northern Georgia.
Staghorn Sumach, fiW typhina L,
Diameter і2’~ч’. Light; brittle; soft; coarse-grained; orange-colored; streaked with green. From its young shoots, pipes arc made for drawing sap of the Sugar Maple, it ranged front New Brunswick to northern Georgia,