Diameter SC-io Light; soft; coarse-grained; light brown streaked with green and often tinged with red. It ranged from northern New England to southern Florida, In fYeflfi American Sylva by F. Andrew Miehaux (Philadelphia; J, Dobson, 184a), in, 2OJ1 "Among the native trees, in the Northern States, the Black Birch, the Yellow Birch, the Canoe Birch, the Red-dowering Curled Maple, the Bird’s-eye Maple, the Wild Cherny Tree and the Sumac, are chiefly employed in cabinetmaking.”
Sycamore, pknw occiJmtalit L„ also tilled Buttonwood and American Иале-Тгсс
Diameter up to lot Moderately heavy; hard; moderately strong in bending and endwise compression; moderately stiff; moderately low in ihock rcirtsmCt; ditfi – Lull to split be cause fll’iiitttlockcd grain; шш well; glues satisfactorily; light to dark brown nr reddish brown, Ir ranged from southeastern Maine and northern Vermont to Florida.
Tulip Tree, Liriodciidrou tulipifcra, also called Yellow Poplar, Tulip Pop! ar, Whitewood
Diameter up to 9 Light; fairly soft; brittle; straight-grained; moderately weak in bending and endwise compression; fairly si iff: moderately low in shock resistance; easy to work under tools; glues Well; takes and holds paint except tonally well; clear yellow to tin ot greenish grey or brown, occasionally with shades of purple, dark green, or bhek – It ranged from Worcester County, Massachusetts, southwestern Vermont to Florida.
Black Walnut. JujjW nigra
Diameter 4′-6H. Heavy; hard; strong in bending; very strong in endwise compr»- (ion; stiff"; high in shock resistance; works easily with toqb; finishes very smoothly; takes and holds stains well; glues well; very durable; light brown to rich chocolate or purplish brown; dull; straight – or it regular-grained. It ranged from western Massachusetts to Florida. A natural hybrid ofj. nigra and J, regie (Luglish Walnut) has appeared in the United States and Europe, and on the banks of the James Kivct in Virginia has grown to a larger size than any other teeorded Walnut tree.
Black W i l l о w, Sali. x nigra Marsh.
Diameter tip ro 4′. Light; soft; weak in bending; exceedingly weak in endwise compression; inode і ale I у high in shock resistance; usually with straight grain; works well with tools; glues well; does not spin readily; (ЦІМ and finishes well; light brown ro pale reddish or greyish brown, frequently with darker streaks along the grain, ft ranged from southern New Brunswick through South Carolina.
White Elm, UbltHt amrrkana L
Diameter(S’-11Moderately heavy; moderately hard; straight or sometimes interlocked grain; moderately weak ill end wile compression, with excellent bending qualities; high in shock resistance; tough; difficult to split: difficult to work ss-ith tools; used as the hubs of wheels and vehicle parts; brown to dark brown, frequently with shades of red. It ranged from Newfoundland to Florida.