The technology of the word processor permits a quick and easy correction of mistakes and omissions. It also makes it possible to send identical letters to different people with only a change of the inside address and salutation line required. This has resulted in the unfortunate tendency of some companies to prepare generic, sterile letters that can be sent to a wide range of people with little modification. Everyone receives letters like these on an all too frequent basis, and we have all learned to recognize them. They have far less impact on the reader than does a letter which seems truly directed to the reader and creates the impression that the writer cared enough about the subject and the reader to prepare an original communique. Even when the letter is a form letter, the writer should provide some means of personalizing the letter so that the reader does not sense that it was mass produced. Consider the following two examples. The first written in typical form letter style prepared on a word processor; the second is the same letter with enough personalization added to eliminate the feel of mass production.
Typical Form Letter Phrasing
Lawns in western Pennsylvania typically require fertilization at this season of the year and we are prepared to do the job. If you believe we can be of service to you, please give us a call at (827) 555-1234 for a free estimate.