Frozen Symphony


Frozen Symphony

Landscape Oes»Qn : 2US location Grund-eigwd. Betyum Completion Year ЛХЛ

Under the smoke of Brussels industry lies a fairytale like estate called Grand Bigard The aim was to breath life in the neglected park by using a flower intervention. With more than 1 million tulips the existing qualities of tlie landscape were explicated. To make the intervention as precise as possible we used a Baroc design-method With a few kilometres of rope and a car full of piquets we stitched the patterns one-site in order to make use of the multi­ple views given in the landscape. In the sequences of the gardens differences are created between chaotic, visual explosions and contemplative, minimal use of colour, together forming a frozen symphony.

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Frozen Symphony

Frozen Symphony

Frozen Symphony

Frozen Symphony

Frozen Symphony

Frozen Symphony



Frozen SymphonyFrozen SymphonyFrozen Symphony


Updated: September 30, 2015 — 7:39 pm