Haenam Flower Garden Tourist Complex omsimsxi

Landscape Design Sungho Engineering Co..Ltd. I Site Area >1 ПЛ0 ООО г. I Location : Jeoninnam do Haenarn, Korea

Haenam Flower Garden Tourist Complex is to be developed by the Ministry of Tourism as a grand scale multi-functional tourism complex scheduled to be built in Haenam Flower Garden peninsular followed by Kyongju Bomun complex and Jeju JungMun complex. It is designed to build a golf course, the marina and large-scale ac­commodations in order to attract visitors with the maximum utilization of a rias coast

This new concept design is drawn on only limited part of landscape architecture on the basis on the existing mater plan and it is the first exemplary case ever tried in South Korea. In most cases, the design of landscape gardening is not dealt with gravity but the Haenam Flower Garden Tourist Complex takes it as important in order to create its unique mood as the tourism complex except the gold course and a subscribed accommodation complex. On a large scale, it is attempted to modify the existing landscape planning by restructuring the conceptual frame with the embodiment of a garden of (lowers and culture found uniquely in the Namdo province through palimpsest.

Under this newly devised planning, Haenam Flower Garden Tourist Complex redesigns its landscaping gardening in accordance to the horizontal landscape design pursuant to the axis of culture, greenery and aquiculture as well as nighttime landscape design specified by major special distinction.

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Ноелолі I-к»*’ Cordon Tourist Coovpfe*

Namdo is a place that has an abundant cultural heritage with local uniqueness so a great deal of efforts was marie to accommodate the sentiments from its culture and environment. Namdo Flower Park is a representative place where an integrated cul­tural space is adapted using the theme of flowers and its strong scent and seasonal festivals with this theme can be held. Furthermore, a butterfly garden, Namdo flower garden. Namdo culture and art street, central flower garden will be created in order to imbue visitors with the unique scent of locality.

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Hnonam Flawvt Gotxfan Toumt Complex

Hacnom Flower Park Tourist District is bordered with the west sea and established as the marina complete with the swimming beach to distinguish itself from the exist­ing beaches. It has been introduced the concept of rich color and light(Mirinae) to en­hance the quality of space by instituting purity of nature. Herein it combines the addi­tive concept of youth and romance with the construction of various convenience facili­ties such as the beach event square and the Mirinae Street.

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Updated: October 16, 2015 — 2:30 am