Paris Seoul Park

Landscape Design. Samsung Fvriland Inr. | Location Paris. Prance I Site Area 4,675m’

In Korea, the location of a garden is not limited but it can be set up on outdoor hill, field and mountains as well as the intenor and extenor of a house. So gardening exists in reality inside our daily lives. This out-of-the boundary concept of gardening can oe found uniquely in Korea unlike in China and Japan and traced back into the history, in past and future*, •decline and prosperity.’ tl>e linking point is landscape architecture. This characteristic primarily comes from nxjuntainous geography and is set because of idyllic life style where people enjoy spending time in beautiful scenery, being assimilated with nature. Namely, a garden means for Korean people emotion and reason, equality and harmony, and life concept that encourages people to enjoy and socialize Paris Seoul Park is designed on this principal. The design of this park started with an assignment whether this park will adjust in the local environment as an Korean model established overseas.

Pans Seoul Park is a park inside a park. Instead of simply reproducing traditional Korean elements of gardening as a por­trait in a museum, it can be considered an invention gear itself found in an invention gear for culture. The designer of this park was determined to realize this perspective via this project In theory. Seoul Paris Park is devised to function as a me­dia of sp called space and time in which Korean culture and French culture will assembly in a compatible manner. Korean style and French style, high character as well as withering and falling can be encountered on your walking in the park, sliowing the conjuncture point of seeing the visible and invisible.

The principal and direction of the basic planning of Parish Seoul Park is drawing the line between the interior space and exterior space as naturally as possible with the centering position of a lake splitting the land property. In the interior space, it is designed to remind visitors of Korean atmosphere by arranging the walking ways according to the traditional garden­ing elements of Korea, creating at the same time overall geometrical shapes and gentle declining hill areas It ts also planned to put a luring element for visitors’ fun and discovery of Korean culture by putting a specially designed environ­ment installation as a middle station. Therefore, Pans Seoul Park not only promotes Korean culture over time but also plays a role of providing a leisure space with scenery, characterizing itself as a ‘curiosity garden’ for leisure and rest.

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Location Conditions £JX|012 The building site of Paris Seoul Park is divided into the 3 parts of greenery near the lake and it is almost level ground with the altitude of around 2meters. Besides that, it also ac­commodates a cave with the height of 4 meters and a hill area of 2 meters Even though the greenery from the north­ern to southern bank is declined a little, with bare eyes it looks more like flat land.

In the plot, there are 39 tall tress of 19 different kinds and 50 shrubs of 4 different kinds have been planted with lawns covering 1.769m – Most of the tall trees are in good shape and range 15m~20m of their height. In a lake island, manna ash trees, laurel tress and acacia grow thick. On the other hand, tall trees and vegetation such as Chinese scholar trees and tulip trees grow dense near a river wall. Considering Pinus Densiflorae grow thick in the northern hills and the facility area and bamboos are planted in Aberkan garden located in the southern part and cascade area, it seems that there will be no difficulties providing and raising Korean pine trees and bamboos in the Korean tra­ditional space. However, it is needed to consult with the Paris municipal government about some tabooed species, which go contrast to the Korean sentiment so it can secure tire space away from tlwse.

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Basic Idea and Concept Si -r1#

‘Hill System’: Morphology of the Garden

The morphology of the garden is implemented by Hill system in which a flat geo­graphic area becomes dimensional so that this park can depict the silhouette of Korean style hill to present gentleness and comfort meanwhile accommodating the geometric quality and assembled morphology in a French style.

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Korean Garden as lire 3rd intermediate space’

In order to embody the Korean spirit, the concept of ‘Enter’ and ’Evenement’ will be introduced to harmonize the cultures of Korea and France by recovering the following concepts as; the aspect of symphony and the tradition, noble mind and amusement, Korean style and French style discovery.

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institution c< landscape architecture and space arrangement lor walking ways

Space lor dlscoveryfThe setting up ine rreddie platform. A garden lor discovery)

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Dupficaiion of cultural space as the third lorm tor harmony ol Korean and French culture

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Л site mingled with water and flower is named Saemiwon. Tracing a word to its ongin, it is based on old say­ing. ‘wash your mid clean seeing the water, beautify your mind seeing the flower. It’s a symbolic word saying, who­ever comes here, wash your mind dean seeing the I langang(nver).

All paths were designed as washboard, and hopefully, you will be able to wash your mind clean by seeing the wa­ter lily and lotus flower here. And tlie poems and paintings that our ancestors felt and composed through the lotus flowers are displayed together.

Saemiwon is to expenment on likelihood that the environment will become the asset or the culture. It comprises the hall of global water lilies where the visitors can always see beautiful water lilies, and an expenmental cultivation lab designed to test the newty introduced species of water lilies and luster flowers in a bid to seek the way of purifying, beautifying and enriching the Hangang(river). There’s a small gallery where the art works representing the nature and culture and water-related cultural assets and lamps are displayed. It’s the site where the nature, literature and arts and the culture are integrated.

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Hangang Chungjung-Grwon-Jedan(the altar wishing for dean Han River)

On the thirdday of the third lunar month, people, putting the deep dean river water on the jar stand, prayed nation’s peace and people’s good health. Reviving sudi old cus­toms. an altar was built in the hope a dean Han River will be well preserved It sym­bolizes people’s wish to restore the Han River to the water full of life, putting the Han River water in the lifelike breathing pottery.

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Monet’s garden

A lotus pond and water lilies in Monet’s paintings( 1840-1926) were displayed in the water lity garden at Han River Doomu – Imeon. Rather than simply growing the wa­ter lilies in the pond, it was designed to ex – perience the inspiration of mysterious uni­verse in the nature through the water lilies floating between the clear sky and the pond reflecting the sky. as well as to seek the artist who can recreate the inspiration on drawing paper.

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In an attempt to express what Saemiwon implies, all walk paths are interpreted as washboard. It’s a washboard stepping stone that al­lows the people to wash their minds dean, stepping the washboard and watching the water.


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Yoosanggoksu was part of tfie traditional garden with windirrgty-flowing water, which was designed for the people to enjoy the music and the poetical. In the course of restoring the water-related cultural asset near the lotus flower garden. Goksu which was regarded the most important element, was built

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Jasungmun(stone gate)

It’s a carved granite gate. A round carving represented the nature and human which are integrated, and bowing the head, the words carved on the threshold is seen, saying that if we are humble before the nature, the nature in return becomes humble to us.

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A depth-sounding apparatus designed to measure the water level ofthc river, lake or reservoir, which was modeled on watermark used for Chunggyechun. Additional function of depth-sounding was added when restoring the water-related cultural as­sets.

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Poonggidaefweathercock) £-7|сц

A weathercock designed to monitor the wind direction The flag #ii|fe 7|АЕТД-7|^£ здоз £350 22**! g7|y|o|

was modeled on the flag illustrated in Donggwoldo. *!U§ £±5|«r|.

Yongdudanggan Bunsu(fountain)

Danggan is the sort of flagpole used in the temple, which was symbolized as water emergy and built in the spot dominated by heat of Tire to deal with Iheheat. As part of effort to restore the cultural assets, it was designed with the shape of bronze Yongdudanggan, and made of porcelain in consideration of its location near the riverside.


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t»2| «ЬНЯ AHSOIIL *ЙМ«№ ДОН ІХІ7ІЯ Afgsl«Cf.

Jungbyung Bunsu

Jungbyung refers to the glass bottle contain­ing the dean water, which was used at the ceremony offering to Buddha. The will to make the Han River clean was symbolized.

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Yongbyung(riragon porcelain)

A dragon-illustrated white porcelain, which is called Yonngjun or Yongchung jar. It’s used as flower vase at the nation’s annual events or water jar at the religious cerenwnies.


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fixture and sound device.


The ancestor’s loving toward the flowers and trees were not limited to simply seeing and enjoying, but further extendedto utilizing them as education material for building a character and personality. Included in theplants were Four Gracious Plants such as plum, orchid, chrysanthemum and bamboo, and pine and lotus flower.

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Updated: October 8, 2015 — 3:44 am