Tool kit for involving people in nature projects

A tool kit on how to involve local people based on the Community Forest experience is set out below. This is based on the situation in England and changes may be needed to adapt it to different cultural situations. The tool kit is set out as a fictional illustration: a proposed species conservation pro­ject.


The organisation seeking to engage people in nature projects should have a clear vision of the project and how people can participate.

Example. Our vision is to conserve the (name of species) in the local area and provide new habitats where the species can flourish, we will do this by collecting seeds, propagating them in local community based nurseries and planting young plants into sites in the local area. People will be involved in collecting seeds, planting and tendering them in the nursery and planting them on sites. People will be able to help the project indirectly by donating money and helping to publicise it.

Updated: October 10, 2015 — 4:46 am