Changes Made in Communication Level of Information About Ecotourism

The percentages of the answers given to the question “What did ecotourism mean to you?” before ecotourism activities were as follows: 78.7 % “I had no idea,” 8.2 % “the tourism that understands and explains nature, 3.3 % “tourism that provides opportunities for higher income,” “tourism that reflects the cultural values of the local people,” and “tourism that protects forest resources,” 1.6 % “environmentally friendly tourism”; the percentages of the answers given to the question “What does ecotourism mean to you?” after ecotourism activities were as follows: 26.2 % “the tourism that both protects nature and observes the welfare of the local people,” 45.9 % “tourism that provides opportunities for higher income, 9.8 % “tourism that reflects the cultural values of the local people,” 8.2 % “tourism that protects forest resources,” 6.6 % “tourism that allows for more production,” 1.6 % “tourism that understands and explains nature” and “tourism that ensures higher income for both myself and the organizers.”

H0, which is the significance test of the difference between two matches (Table 15.6), was rejected to test for statistical difference between these values; it was determined with 95 % reliability that there was a difference between the answers given to the question about the meaning of ecotourism before and after
ecotourism activities (t calculation = 10,623, p < 0.05). This result means that “significance of the difference between two matches test” (less than 0.05) indicates there is statistical difference between the answers given to the questions “what did ecotourism mean” before and after participation in ecotourism activities.

Updated: October 14, 2015 — 3:43 pm