Self-Consistent Micromechanical Enhancement of Continuous Fiber Composites

Andrew Ritchey1, Joshua Dustin1, Jonathan Gosse2 and R. Byron Pipes1

1Purdue University 2The Boeing Company USA

1. Introduction

Much of the previous work in developing analytical models for high performance composite materials has focused on representations of the heterogeneous medium as a homogenous, anisotropic continuum. The development of the equivalent properties of the homogenous medium from the geometry of the microstructure and the fiber and matrix properties has been come to be known as "micromechanics" (Daniel & Ishai, 2006). The term "homogenization" has been applied to the process of determining the effective properties of the homogenous medium and for much of the past half century homogenization was the only task of micromechanics. However, increases in computational capability has allowed for the use of micromechanics as a "de-homogenization" tool as well. The de­homogenization method that is the focus of the current study has been come to be known as "micromechanical enhancement" (Gosse & Christensen, 2001; Buchanan et al., 2009). Here the deformation of the homogeneous medium is enhanced by influence functions derived from unit cell micromechanical models representing extremes in the packing efficiencies of fiber arrangements. The motivation for development of the de-homogenization step is the need for an increase in the robustness and fidelity of failure theories used for these material systems wherein the deformation fields within the homogenized solutions are enhanced to reflect the actual strain field topologies within the fiber and matrix constituents. It is these enhanced strain fields that are used to determine the onset of damage initiation within the medium.

There are several categories of models which have been proposed to perform the homogenization step of micromechanics including: mechanics of materials (Voigt, 1887; Reuss, 1929); self-consistent field (Hill, 1965); bounding methods based on variation principals (Paul, 1960; Hashin & Rosen 1964); semi-empirical (Halpin & Tsai, 1967); numerical finite element methods (Sun & Vaidya, 1996) and experimental methods such as uniaxial coupon tests. A significant amount of work has been devoted to this topic and more complete reviews are found elsewhere (Christensen 1979; Pindera et al., 2009). Although any analysis method used should be vetted against a rigorous testing program, accurate micromechanics models can provide a cost effective method for a priori material evaluation and ranking of composite systems. In the traditional composite analysis workflow, homogenized material properties are used in a laminate analysis of a structural

member to determine lamina level stresses and strains. Stresses and strains at the lamina level are then used directly in a failure criterion to determine the ultimate performance of the member. Some success has been achieved with this approach but the analysis fails to take into account the actual state of stress and strain within the constituent phases. In addition, residual thermal stresses resulting from a mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion between the fiber and matrix phases are usually neglected. Others have noted that non-physical singularities may arise in homogenized solutions containing free-edges (Pagano & Rybicki, 1974; Pagano & Yuan, 2000).

Several methods for recovery of the state of stress/strain from a homogenized solution have been proposed as well. Analytic methods have been proposed base on phase averaging methods (Hill, 1963; Hashin 1972). More recently, numerical methods have been employed. One method is to perform a global-local finite element analysis. In this approach the forces or displacements obtained from a homogenized solution are applied to a domain in which the fiber and matrix phases are modelled explicitly (Wang et al., 2002). With this method one must first determine an appropriate size for the local region, typically containing several fibers, using the so-called "local domain test." It has been suggested that a single fiber local region is feasible for determining fiber-matrix interface stresses if the continuum is modelled using the micro-polar theory of elasticity (Hutapea et al., 2003). Others have suggested the use of a multilevel analysis that models a homogenized region, a transition region and a region containing the explicit microstructure in a single finite element analysis (Raghavan et al., 2001). A more computationally efficient method for recovering the stress and strain in the fiber and matrix phases is to use an influence function formulation (Gosse & Christensen, 2001). In this method, also referred to as mircomechanical enhancement, a set of six canonical states of deformation and a separate thermal load are applied to a unit cell prior to performing an analysis of the homogeneous medium. The influence functions extracted from the unit cells are then used to relate the state of homogenous strain in each lamina to the state of strain within the representative volume element through the use of the enhancement matrix. Microscopic residual thermal strains can also be recovered with a superposition vector (Buchanan et al., 2009).

In a previous study (Gosse & Christensen, 2001), the homogenization step was an experimental one wherein the effective properties of the homogenous medium employed in the analysis were determined by experiments while the de-homogenization (micromechanical enhancement) step was carried out by a finite element analysis of a representative volume element. In addition to this procedure, an alternative method has been developed to utilize the derived effective elastic and thermal lamina properties from the same micromechanical models developed to assessed the strain fields within the unit cells. In this paper the latter approach is investigated exclusively in order to provide the consistency of utilizing the same method for both homogenization and de-homogenization. In the current chapter, the micromechanical enhancement method is investigated in more detail and a self-consistent method for determining the microscopic strain field is presented. By using a self-consistent analysis, the inherent approximations of the method are present in both steps while no new uncertain quantities, such as experimental test variables, are introduced. Self-consistency is assured by utilizing the same micromechanical models for both the homogenization and de-homogenization steps in the method. The goal is to provide an efficient link in a multi-scale analysis of a composite structure and to elucidate the analysis steps used in the current method.

Updated: October 12, 2015 — 1:11 am