
(Left) Wide bands of browns and yellow, with some saved white, are commonly used for wood decking.

(Right) Using wide bands of brown, with some bands of pumpkin orange and tan, will make for a darker wood.


(Left) Wide brown bands mixed with peach bands, along with white, suggest a softer-colored wood deck.

(Right) Wood grain, drawn with long slight arcs, can be colored in with browns, tans, and yellow for a cedar deck.

Material Combinations

(Left) Peach and tan are used to cre­ate a mottled concrete character, with brick and peach colors for the edging.

(Right) Provide strong changes in con­trast, with colors and line types, when delineating several adjacent materials.

Material Combinations

(Left) Stronger contrast will occur when completely different colors are used for different materials.

(Right) A more blended look hap­pens when some similar colors are used on different patterns of varied materials.


(Left) Gazebos are rendered with the top left roof tinted lighter and with fewer lines than the bottom right darker color. (Right) Provide a bolder black line around major structures (houses, garages, gazebos) to emphasize these elements.


(Left) The sunny parts of roofs can be colored yellow with the shaded side colored with browns or grays.

(Right) If yellow is not used, peach and brown make for a handsome com­bination for roof colors.

Updated: October 19, 2015 — 9:39 am