Flooring in the Bathing and Showering Center

Use slip-resistant flooring inside and outside a bathing area to reduce falls. While no floor is slip-free when wet, some texture, whether inherent or applied to the floor surface can reduce the risk. In addition, the judicious use of contrast and texture can indicate wet versus dry areas, the edge or borders of the shower or tub, or a change in floor height. However, a combination of different flooring materials may have differing thicknesses, and installation should eliminate any uneven surfaces between materials. Colors and patterns should be chosen with considera­tion of the total room in terms of contrast and light. Use matte or low-sheen surfaces that reduce glare.

Storage and Accessories in the Bathing and Showering Center

Shampoo and soap dispensers, installed in the bathtub/shower within reach of the user, reduce strength and dexterity needed to squeeze shampoo out of the bottle and help eliminate items falling or being rearranged in an unknown order.

When choosing towel bars, soap holders and even the bar on which a handheld spray slides, keep in mind that for a person who needs a support, anything within reach will be used, and consider specifying only those accessories that will hold the weight and function as grab bars if called on to do so.

Storage outside the shower for back-up towels, shampoo, soap, and toiletries should be within the 1 5 inches to 48 inches (381 mm to 1219 mm) reach range and should not obstruct the shower door or protrude into the passage space.

Lighting, Ventilation, Electrical, and Heat in the Bathing and Showering Center

Ventilation and lighting controls should be placed 15 inches to 48 inches (381 mm to 1219 mm) above the floor, be operable with minimal effort, easy to read, and with visual and audible on/off indicators.

In addition to general lighting, task lighting that is suitable for wet locations should be included in the bathing and shower areas.

Specifying quiet ventilation will help to minimize background noise distortion, appealing to every­one and particularly helpful for those of us with hearing impairments.

Radiant heat or supplemental heat should be considered for those with thermoregulation issues, and in some cases, a blow-dryer can speed the drying process while maintaining body temperature for the bather.

Updated: October 9, 2015 — 5:06 pm