The grooming center should not be thought of as just the bathroom lavatory, the fixture with running water and a drainpipe, or the vanity, which is the cabinet that holds the lavatory. While a water source and basin are critical components, many activities occur in this center and it should be designed to accommodate as many client desires as the space and budget permit. The following are some of the key activities to consider when planning the grooming center.
• Washing hands after toileting is an important health measure and using soap is critical to assure that as many germs and bacteria are killed as possible. To effectively wash their hands, the user should be able to place their hands under the water spray while standing or sitting.
FIGURE 6.11 Allow at least 80 Inches (2032 mm) from the floor to celling over each fixture (Bathroom Planning Guideline 3). NKBA [3]
Some people store and use medicines and first aid supplies in the bathroom. If medicines are taken first thing in the morning or last thing at night, this may be a good place for this activity. Because some medications require refrigeration or must be taken with food, people also take and store medicines in the kitchen.
Some clients might be interested in having a small under-counter refrigerator in the bathroom, perhaps part of a small "morning" kitchen, to avoid a trip to the kitchen. Some medicines should not be stored in the moist and humid environment of the bathroom.
First aid supplies might be stored in several places in the house, close to where they are needed, such as in the kitchen, hobby area, or a first-floor bathroom. Storage for these supplies is needed, as well as a sanitary way to dispose of them. The medicine cabinet is often used to store these items, although other storage may be more appropriate. Additional items needed for taking medicine might be good lighting, and a cup or glass.
• Nail care may be performed in the bathroom. Foot baths and massages might be undertaken. Manicures and pedicures require storage for supplies, good lighting, and ventilation, and a seat with a counter area.
Households may have a wide variety of other activities that they complete in the grooming center of the bathroom, so completing an analysis and inventory as provided in Form 3: Checklist for Bathroom Activities in chapter 5, "Assessing Needs," is important for planning.