Start designing a clothes closet by thinking about how clothes are moved from one place to the next. For example, they are moved from the laundry area to storage, such as in a closet. Then they are removed from the closet when a person gets dressed. Sometimes clothes need to be moved from the closet to the dressing area, or to a temporary place (like a clothes hook) while a person
is bathing, showering, or grooming. Another example is when a person gets undressed, clothes may move to another temporary storage place such as a "dirty clothes" container or go directly to the laundry area. Sometimes clothes are taken outside the home to a dry cleaner or laundry.
Placement of the closet needs to consider this movement of clothes and its relationship to clothes – related activities. Where will dressing and undressing occur? Does your client want centralized storage of all clothes in one area? Or will clothes be stored in several areas? For example, a decentralized option might be to keep only underwear or nightclothes near the bathing/showering area, and other clothes in the bedroom.
If more than one person regularly uses the bathroom area, access to both clothes storage and bathroom fixtures needs to be considered. Adequate room for multiple activities and users is needed. What is the desired privacy for both bathroom and/or dressing activities? Will one closet area be provided or will there be individual clothes storage for each user?