Log posts

Stout wooden posts can be set into the ground at suitable intervals following the edge of the parking areas. They should be of large diameter, set fairly deeply into the ground for strength and slightly angled at the top to permit water to run off. Spaced at slightly irregular intervals they look especially good in forested settings. Their height should be slightly above that of the average bumper.

Log posts

Log posts set into the ground work well, especially in wooded settings. Near Hilversum, Holland.

Log posts

This diagram shows the layout of log posts. Their spacing is important in order to prevent small vehicles from slipping in between them.


A hedge planted on a low mound is not so physically strong but is an attractive and effective screen, which can save space. A wire or post-and-rail fence can be used while the hedge is becoming established. Once the hedge is established it should be a suitable barrier in more rural settings.

Updated: September 30, 2015 — 8:29 am