It is not certain whether the last pieces of furniture stamped by Joseph arc actually his work. His son Gas – pard Baumhaucr (1747-?) is known to have taken over his workshop after his death, keeping his stamp for five years until 1777. The warrant of ebeniste privile – gie’ could be passed on to children and Gaspard also took this over in 1772. Following this he was beset by illness and financial problems, so much so that he was obliged to ask for an agreement with his creditors in 1776. It is possible, in view of the size of the accumulated debts (22.070 livres in addition to 3,(XX) livres of losses, although the stock was estimated at 10.600 livres and the credits at 7,640 livres), that Gaspard Baumhauer was forced to suspend his activities from that time, between 1777 and 1778, but we have no evidence of this.
Jean-Dominiquc Augarde: ‘Joseph’, L’Estampille, no. 204. June 1987, pp. 14-15
Andre Boutcmy: ‘Joseph’. Connaissancc des arts. March 1965. pp. 82-89
1772 (furniture: and tools in
In :i room on the first floor overlooking the courtyard! j One large bureau. 6 pieds in length, veneered in ebony with fluted tapering legs, mounted with its bronzes ungilt. 8001.
21 Another bureau of the same size without bronze mounts, priced 4001.
3) A small armoire 3 pieds in height with 2 drawers, veneered in ebony embellished with its mounts and the front decorated with two small lacquer panels and two on the sides. 3001.
4) Another small cupboard nearly 3 pieds in height. 4 pieds in width, veneered in ebony with polished brass fillets, no mounts, priced I40L
5) Item, another small bureau i’h pieds in length, veneered in tulipwood decorated with bronze mounts, ungildcd. 2 slides at the sides and 3 drawers at the front. 1501.
In the shop below
6) A large serjxrntine-shaped bureau. 6 pieds in length, veneered in amaranth parquetry and tulipwood. embellished with its cardcron’ and mounts, with its sorre-papiers on top of a stand with 2 small doors at the sides. The 3 pieces matching, all decorated with their mounts, ungildcd. priced 9601.
7) A commode 2k la Regence 4 pieds in length veneered in amaranth parquetry and bois sating with a bronze motif, ungildcd. priced 250L
8) A console table 4 pieds in length with 5 drawers veneered
I248j Commode stamped Joseph, c. 1770, in sycamore, decorated with bouquets of Jlowers painted by l^riche or Prevost; probably designed by the architect BoulUe, it belonged to
Л. Commodes in ihc Rococo
1J Victoria ami Albert Museum: Jones Collection (attributed) in Japanese lacquer
2) J. Paul Getty Museum (attributed) in Japanese lacquer 12361-
3) Museum ol Applied Arts. Budapest (attributed) in French imitation lacquer.
4) British Royal (Collection. With marquetry
5) Musce Jacqucmart-Andrl. floral marquetry (attributed) with Berlin’s label.
6) Palace of the lx*gion of Honor. San Francisco with wave marquetry
7) Royal Pavilion. Brighton (stamped), floral marquetry with very rich mounts.
8) Stein-Dutasta Collection (stamped) with floral marquetry ri) Toledo Museum (stamped) with floral marquetry |234|.
10. II) National Gallery. Washington (stamped), a pair formerly in the I>uke of Leeds Collection, in floral marquetry with Damault’s label.
B. Commodes and low cabinets in Neo-classical style lutequer
12) Marigny’s commode (stamped) supplied in 1766 by- Poirier for the bedchamber of the Marquise de Marigny. Japanese lacquer (240].
13) ‘Commode <t portes’ Iselonging to the Duchesse de Mazarin (stamped), in Japanese lacquer. British Royal Collection;
originally in 1781 mounted with a central circular porcelain plaque later replaced by a lacquer panel |243)
I•») (armmode cabinet’, from Warwick Castle (stamped) with ten drawers and Vitruvian-scroll frieze. Japanese lacquer (2471.
15) Commode ‘cabinet’, private collection (attributed), illustrates! in Connaissance des arts. January 1%7. p.70. in Japanese lacquer with ten drawers.
16) J Paul (Jetty Museum (stamped) with doors in Kijimakie lacquer
17) ‘Beaujon’ commode (stamped) decorated with bouquets of flowers (sainted by Leriche or Prevost. probably designer! by Boulltfc in a! x>ut 1770 for the financier Beaujon 12481
18) F.|>hrussi de Rothschild Foundation (stamped).
/251/ Cabinet in Japanese lacquer, one of a pair, с. 1760-65; made for the financier Blondel de Gagny, these cabinets are mentioned in a
commode with doors in lacquer on a white ground (possibly relacquered I
With marquetry
19) Louvre: Grog Bequest (stamped), commode with doors, with marquetry sold to the Marquis de Brunoy before 1775 1241].
20) Burat sale (attributed) with doors and Vitruvian-scroll frieze with strapwork marquetry.
With Boulle marquetry
21) Wallace (Collection (stamped) in contrqxirtie. supplied to Julliot before 1777. having been owned after this date by Vaudreuil
22) Alexander ami Berendt Ltd (stamper)), the pair to the preceding piece, in premiere part ie (244).
description of Paris in 1766 by Hebert as being ‘with mouldings and gilt mounts in the Antique taste’. tGalerie Aveline, Paris)
C. Bureaux plats with cabriole legs Lacquer
23) Private collection. Paris (stamped).
24) Formerly in the Rothschild then Gonialvez Collection (attributed) in Japanese lacquer.
25) Louvre: Grog Bequest (stamped) in Japanese lacquer, dated between 1705 and 1770 1238].
With marquetry
26) Louvre: Grog Bequest (attributed), identical to the one in the Kotschoubey sale (233).
27) J. Paul Getty Museum: from the imperial Russian collections at Oranienhaum. the mounts struck with crowned XT.
The matching cartonnier is now
in tin* Hermitage (sec further no. 68).
28) Kotschoubey Collection.
Paris sale. 1906 (stamped): with a cartonnier.
29) Wrightsman Collection. New York (stamped) of waisted form (237].
With porcelain mounts
30) Huntington Library (stamped). plaques all modern replacements: the piece originally in lacquer or marquetry.
31) Huntington Library (stamped Joseph and Saunter), plaques of assymetrical outline dated 1763. possibly supplied by the dealer Baklock in 1830.
32) Waddcsdon Manor. Buckinghamshire (stamped), plaques with assymetrical outline, some dated 1760
33) Gult>enkian Museum. Lisbon, some plaques dated 1760.
34) Metropolitan Museum of Art (stamped), plaques undated with green border.
35) Philadelphia Museum (attributed), plaques with green border.
36) Robert Lehman Collection. New York (attributed)
37) Boughton House. Northamptonshire: IXikeof Bucclcuch’s collection (stamped), identical to the one at Waddesdon.
38) Paris sale. 9 June 1976 (stamped), identical to the Waddesdon example: possibly the one sold by Viscount Clifdcn. Christies. 5 May 1893. lot 156.
1). Bureaux plats in Neoclassical style
39) Lady Baillie Collection (attributed), sale Sotheby’s London. 13 December 1974; with its cartonnier (246].
40) Alexander and Berendt Ltd (attributed).
41) Kdmund de Rothschild Collection, sale Christie’s. 20 June 1985 (attributed), veneered in palisander.
E. Cabinets in Neo-classical style
42-43) Paris trade, pair of cabinets made for Blondel de Gagny before 1766 (stamped) in Japanese lacquer (251 ]
44-45) Pair of cabinets in pietra-dura (stamped). Versailles. 46-47) Private collection. London (one stamped), cx-Adcr sale. Paris. 13 June 1978. lot 92. in bois satiric.
48-49) Private collection. Paris (stamped), identical to the
previous pair, in bois satiric.
50) Galerie Llage (attributed), a single one. identical to the preceding pair, with a gilt-bronze mounted apron |250)
F. Secretaires a abattant
51) Louvre: Grog Bequest (stamped), veneered in lx>is satintf.
52-53) Pair. Niarchos Collection (attributed), identical to the preceding pair (232].
54) J. Paul Getty Museum (stamped) with classical frieze, veneered in parquetry.
55) Private collection. Pans (stamped), classical frieze and veneered in bois sating.
56) Museede Versailles (stamped), made for Randonde Boissct. originally in Boulle marquetry, rcvcnecred in mahogany.
G. Encoignurcs 57-58) National («allcry. Washington (attributed), in French lacquer, mounts with crowned ‘C
59-60) Gallcric M. Scgoura (stamped), in Boulle marquetry. 61-62) Louvre: Grog Bequest (stamped), in marquetry, cn suite with the Brunoy commode (242]. 63-64) Veil-Picard Collection, with floral marquetry 65-66) British Royal Collection (stamped), en suite with commode no. 13 and made with it for the Duchesse de Mazarin after 1768.
67) Private collection, sale Sotheby’s Monaco. 26 June 1983. lot 303 (attributed), veneered in! x>ix sating (249].
II. Various
68) Upper section of a cartonnier. Hermitage (stamped), with Darnault’s label (the base of the cartonnier stamped В V R B. )
69) Large centre table in ebony (stamped), sale. Sotheby’s London. 5 June 1964, private collection. Brussels.
70) (‘lock-base with figure of Clio (stamped). works by
F. Berthoud. private collection
71) Clock-base with figure of Clio (stamped), dial by Julicn Le Roy (perhaps from Strawberry Hill: Horace Walpole Collection), sale Parke Bernct.
23 May 1970. lot 23.
72) Clock base with figure of Clio (stamped), dial by Julicn Le Roy, sale Sotheby’s Monaco. 3 May 1977. lot 18