Certain groupings of colors (color schemes) have gained sufficient understanding and acceptance to justify describing them. All are based on the color wheel (Figure 7-12). A color scheme may be related or contrasting depending on the location of the colors on the wheel. Related color schemes may be monochromatic or adjacent. Contrasting color schemes may be complementary, triadic, or polychromatic.
Related color schemes
• Monochromatic color schemes utilize one color in its many related values. The one color may incorporate assorted tints, shades, and tones in the flowers, foliage, and container.
• Adjacent color schemes use one of the primary colors (red, yellow, or blue) with other colors derived from that primary. For example, browns, oranges, and golds have in common the primary color of yellow and work well together in an autumn arrangement. Adjacent colors are so named because of their close proximity on the color wheel.
Primary Secondary |
figure 7-12. The color wheel (Delmar/Cengage Learning)