Hwaseong Dongtan PF Business-Metapolis

Landscape Design ; GA-ONE I ocatlon. Kyononl*- Jo Hwosoonu Korea Silo Aroa ‘ 95.’.«»8r і Landscape Area A-BJock 2,99/г. ti Block

OrcJerer ‘ Kc*ea Land Cotpomltcn

Hawsung Dontan PF scheme suggests the direction of a new city development plan by shaping a landmark for its representative city symbol at Hie center of the newly developed city. For multiple purposes of usage in con­sideration, this new city center will establish the metropolis by developing a space that is well harmonized between life and culture while linking tire functions in a physical and functional manner.

Hawsung Dongtan PF scheme will play a role to create a digital theme park, which will be the center of Hawsungn Dongtan area as the axis of greenery connecting Gwibongsan and Bansunksan. It will also provide a resting space by linking A and В complex block in the commercial area. This digital theme park puts an emphasis on the theme of human, digital and nature, believing that human and nature digitally communicate. Therefore, aquiculture ele­ments is introduced by each program to institute a main space as the movement axis with insertion of the elements of nature such as forest and greens as well as artificial ones like a complex and square represents unity. On top of it. the introduction of a shape of a butterfly symbolize the environment friendly characteristic of the park as the changing images of a butterfly is applied as a symbolist medium to represent the digital changes and diversity Plantation is considered with the concept that greens should be created at the center with nature-bom plants on the west side and artificially grown plants on the east side of the park limiting the width of the corndor to the ecology channel. It also expresses an ecological succession with the introduction of plants such as lawns, greens, shrubs and trees according to the space suitability in a variety of phrases. This park looks as a spiral shape by arranging the ecological forest in Hie upper part and the digital elements in the lower part, which is bom by the union of nature and the digital

This theme park outstands in the utilization of the digital medium aspects. The con­stantly changing floor pattern of “Digital Maze" can be applied as an advertising tool to intrigue curiosity and offer information. ‘Information booth" inferred from the archi­tecture provides information of neighboring areas and traffic communications as well as the Internet access. Besides that. “Media Pole” is utilized as an access point of

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high speed wireless PAN with the creating of a place combining the light facilities and information transferring functions. Furthermore. "Media Board" made with program­mable signage arid the wall of buildings characterizes itself by offenng a interesting aspect with a wide range of information through a new display method.

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Updated: October 15, 2015 — 6:07 pm