Lugar Especifk

Landscape Design. ?A+P arcMtetiura • Gianfranco BnrrbarJ. Domenico Cannlstiad, Ptetro Chlodl, Matter) Cost m? o. Vnlorio fraivon»» | Location Calnf, Spain | Site Area ‘ 400с I Design Year – 2006

This is a participated design project on tlie lose of identity of Calaf, a fast growing village of Catalonia. It in­volves its elderly population solving one of the main problem of this place: what do the elderly people do during the day?

In the centre of the small village of Calaf. hidden by high walls, there’s a secret garden whose existence is un­known to the most. At the crossing between Calle Teixidor and Paseo Santa Calamanda, exactly on the border be­tween the ancient part of the city and the new one, there’s a place where tall trees wave their tops between the houses. Today just by climbing over its high protection is possible to take a look at this secret garden, the onty valu­able green area in this dense village.

This green area, drawn as in the romantic tradition, keeps elements belonging to the history of the western garden. A nature reserve that maintains the elements of an urban development tradition that today is forgotten and that is a shelter for birds and small animals. A half public court as a sharing place between the inhabitants that today is un – accessible and abandoned. It’s a weird story, it’s about a place given to the municipality by an elderly lady with the only term that this place would be used by/for elderly people. Now the municipality, through the direct participation of the citizens, aims to make real the project for a garden ruled by its users and that is designed and built together.

The first step of Lugar especf со’ is represented by the will to make this garden a public space for elderly people, a place of sharing where to spend the day playing and relaxing.

The wall between Calle Teixidor and the garden, facing a small square next to the sdxxjl, will become the access area thanks to asenes of holes on its surface This wall, on the south-west side, once holed will let the people and the light get in.

Behind the holed wall a living green house works as a filter between the inside and the outside. It’s a ruled environ­ment to let the elders use the garden both in the cold and in the warm seasons.

It’s a ground to walk on safely, an uncontinoous floor made of circular elements that make the soil breathing and let the water draining and the grass growing. The circular structure ofthe plant of the project lives some spots without floor to cultivate plants and flowers.

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Updated: October 9, 2015 — 10:12 pm