Net irrigation requirement

Surface water resources are not distributed in a homogeneous way in many regions of the world, irrigation is applied in these areas in order to ensure vegetation sustainability due to irregular and inadequate rainfall. Irrigation water requirement is calculated with the help of the following equation. Where, IR= Net Irrigation requirement, mm ETc= Evapotranspiration, mm […]

Biological properties

Because of bacteria threaten the human health, care should be paid in the use of such polluted water in areas where people live. As specified in the regulation of water quality, the fecal coliform values up to 200/100 ml of water can be used for irrigation purposes (Harmancioglu et. al., 2001). 2.2 Reuse of waste […]

Physical properties

In the physical properties, suspended matter is one of the most important features. Suspended matters in natural waters are usually composed of plaques erosion, parts of organic matter and planktons (Ayyildiz, 1990). Suspended matters are one of the most important things because they could cause obstructions in emitters in the sprinkler and drip irrigation. This […]


Mehmet Sener Namik Kemal University Turkey 1. Introduction The water is basic source for all living in the world and it covers two third of the earth, it is the lifeblood of plants and its permanent of temporary shortage can cause serious damage to plants yield and quality. However, despite the importance of water for […]

Community involvement

Community involvement in urban planning and environmental impact assessment has gained widespread recognition in the last few decades. In urban design, community participation takes place mostly during decision making process in urban renewal projects. Involvement of community in design process increases their confidence in the project and their responsibility. Through information and knowledge exchange both […]

Equity and accessibility

Urban environments are where people from various ethical, social, cultural, economic backgrounds, ages and gender live together. Segregation of urban communities leads to both spatially and socially divided urban environments. As a result, equity becomes an important issue in achieving sustainable community development. Thus, designing public spaces for everyone is crucial in today’s communities for […]

Coherence and legibility

Coherence of a landscape refers to the organization of landscape components; it is the degree of consistency between the components. According to Salingaros (2000) geometrical assembly of elements determines the coherence of an urban environment and connectivity at all scales leads to coherence. He also stresses that coherence is essential for vital urban living environments. […]