Rural tourism policy in Turkey

The main source which strengthens rural economy is what rural area has regionally (agricultural development, natural resources, historical and cultural assets, traditional values). Here it is seen that they should be integrated within recreational uses which will reveal rural characteristics of the settlement and will develop potential of natural and cultural resources. However, what is important here is the necessity of preservation natural and cultural resources the rural area has through dealing with them within the frame of ecological principles.

In developing countries through the World Bank and United Nations Development Programs the various projects implemented in rural areas. In Turkey, implemented rural tourism projects for rural development in the planning period.

Rural tourism policy in Developments Plans in Turkey (Table 3).

Developments Plans


I. Development Plans for Five Years

The priority regions to development studies are determined (West and Southwest Anatolia Region).

II. Development Plans for Five Years

Giving priority to undeveloped and development regions with less power are in the planning process for preventing the formation of large single-center.

III. Development Plans for Five Years

Planning studies have only been treated as priority regions. In addition, developmental sequence based on the detection of natural and cultural resources and socio-economic indicators are considered.

IV. Development Plans for Five Years

Regulatory studies were conducted on the use of public land and strengthening of agriculture for priority regions for development,

V. Development Plans for Five Years

Resource utilization and priority regions for development are dicussed.

VI. Development Plans for Five Years

Targetet to meet the needs of current population and the cities are ranked according to rates of development.

• Targetet to protect culture, tourism, history and natural

assets for planning region

• QED is suggested.

• Environmental organization plans are purposed for the

detection of pre-basin and the surrounding land use.

VII. Development Plans for Five Years

The most extensive form of policies to the regional development are reflected in the seventh plan.

VIII. Development Plans for Five Years

The concepts of socio-economic framework, organizational structure and the current situation in rural ares are given.

• Sustainable terms of human development. based on rural development strategies

IX. Development Plans for Five Years

• Promotion and marketing of food products, forestry, agriculture in rural areas.

• Development of tourism and recreation, handicrafts, agro-based industries and other alternative production activities,

• Rural residential planning principles and criteria are determined according to the needs of rural area and rural society,

• Giving priority to tourism regions, developing residential units

• EU institutional framework are intended to establish for rural development policies and compliance.

Table 3. The arrangements for development plans in rural areas (Sarica, 2001; Turhan 2005; Ninth Development Plan (2007-2013)

In the Tourism Strategy of Turkey-2023 and the Ninth Development Plan (2007-2013), it is aimed to utilize natural, cultural, historical and geographical values of Turkey based on conservation-use balance, to increase the share of Turkey from tourism and to promote the attractiveness of regions via alternative tourism types like rural tourism (Tourism 2023 Strategy Plan, 2007; Ninth Development Plan, 2007-2013).

In spite of the fact that Rural tourism that has been taken part in as a income supplement generating activity under Rural Development projects carried out in the different provinces in Turkey, The required attention has not sufficiently been given until now. Rural Turism submeasure is taken place under "Diversification of Economic Activities" of IPARD (Instrument for Pre-accession for Agriculture and Rural Development) Programme which is carried out by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in the period covering 2007-2013. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs with the aim of the related public and private sector representatives is expected to play a vital role in the near future for making significant contribution for economic development of Turkey by being explored of the areas that have never been exploited before by both domestic and foreign tourists (§erefoglu, 2009).

Updated: October 5, 2015 — 6:22 pm