In several instances ground has been levelled to provide a horizontal surface for cultivation. Horizontal planes accen­tuate undulations in the surrounding landscape and change the way in which an observer sees the market garden. These changes between the level of ground on which a pedestrian walks and the adjacent market garden mean that at times the field may be in view and at times it may be hidden. A sense of expectation is provoked in passers-by.

Embankments between pavements and market gardens at the Pastorita organoponico, Cienfuegos and the Organoponico gastronomia Playa, Havana.


Horizontal planes represent artificial topographies. By accentuating changes in the natural topography, a pedestrian’s awareness of the specific character of the place is enhanced and measure is given to the landscape.



Updated: October 15, 2015 — 3:33 am