Proposes carrying on the business of cabinet making, at the house where Mr. Pelham now lives. Any of those Gentlemen who have been customers to Bucktrout and Kennedy*, and all other who please to employ him, may rely on his best endeavours to give satisfaction.
*1 le has no intention to rob Mr. Bucktrout of his old customers, nor does he think he can as yet properly call any his own.25
The partnership seems to have been completely dissolved by August ЗI, when Bucktrout advertised for journeymen by himself.26 lie must have remained at the shop throughout 1770, but Hay’s death in December of that year appears to have concluded his stay there. In January of 1771, less than a month after I lay’s death, Edmund Dickinson advertised from the shop. Lacking further documentation, we must assume that Bucktrout then moved to his Francis Street location, where he advertised in 1775.
William Kennedy also continued to work in \ illiamsburg for a while, presumably “at the house where Mr. Pelham now lives.” I le is known to have made “a case for a sett of musical glasses" for Robert Carter in 1770, and appears to have been working with John Crump, an obscure Williamsburg cabinetmaker who was later in partnership with Richard Booker.27 It was Crump who received payment for unspecified work done by Kennedy for I lenry Morse in May of 1770.28 William Kennedy is documented as working in Richmond by 1775, but Crump’s eventual fate is unknow n.29
It is unfortunate that so little information survives concerning other workmen of Bucktrout’s shops. Documentation survives of only one of his apprentices:
RUN away from the Subscriber, in Williamsburg, David Davis, an Apprentice Lad about twenty Years of Age, about five Feet ten Inches high, w alks very straight, wears his own light brown I lair, which is tied, is much marked with the Smallpox, and a Cabinet Maker by Trade; had on, and took with him, a new light coloured Cloth Coat and Breeches, a new Waistcoat of reddish Wilton Cloth, an old brown Coat and waistcoat, a Pair of Breeches of a lighter Colour, new Shoes, and an old I lat. I le likew ise took with him a brown shagged Dog w ith a short Tail, that had an Iron Collar. Whoever conveys the said Apprentice to me shall have FORTY SI IILLINGS Reward.