
All projects have a cost. The involvement of volunteers can significantly reduce cost as their time is given for free. A budget is needed to pay for lo­cal advertising and costs associated with printing promotional and educa­tional materials. Where a local community group is involved a grant can empower the group to buy in services and reduce the administrative de­mands on the sponsoring organisation. Community groups are expert in securing help-in-kind (such as low cost transport and machinery).

Example. A budget of (amount of money) will be available to support this project and a proportion of this will be paid to the group to enable them to promote the project. They will provide an annual report on how the money has been spent.


Local people may already be involved with other local groups and initia­tives. Building links with these groups can increase the opportunities for participation and result in more resources.

Example. We will identify all the local groups and organisations likely to be interested in this area of work (i. e. market research) before launching the project. We wish to involve as many of these bodies as stakeholders and are prepared to share the publicity opportunities with them.

Updated: October 10, 2015 — 1:45 pm