Participation in Ecotourism Activities

The answers given to the question “What are the most important three purposes for participation in ecotourism?” are as follows: 77 %, to increase my level of income, 27.9 %, for better evaluation of my products, 13.1 %, for better meeting the feed needs of my livestock and catering needs of myself, 34.4 %, for contribution to the cultural and social development of my area, 29.5 %, for contribution to the development of tourism, 50.8 %, as it allows for creation of new job opportunities, 31.1 %, as it could be a solution to transportation problems, 29.5 %, as it could solve education and health problems, 1.6 %, as it could contribute to the protection of natural, archeological. and historical areas, 29.5 %, as it could contribute to the protection of forest resources, 1.6 %, as it could contribute to the protection of the diversity of the flora, 3.3 %, for becoming more socialized, and 1.6 %, for enjoyment. However, the important point here is that people interviewed within the Project cannot obtain sufficient income from stockbreeding, which is the basic source of living, and for this reason they preferred ecotourism activity projects and the additional revenue created.

The question “Whether or not the purpose in their participation in ecotourism activities was realized” was answered as “yes” by 32.8 %, “partially” by 50.9 %, and “no” by 16.3 %. It can be stated that by participating in ecotourism activities villages can generate sufficient additional income and thus embrace new job opportunities.

Updated: October 14, 2015 — 4:13 pm