Denis (ienty. who was established in the Fau – bourg Saint-Antoine, became a master in 1754. A short time afterwards he leased a shop at 9 rue de I’Echelle-Saint-Honore called ‘A la Descente dcs Tuilcries’ where he sold ebenisterie. Among his clients were Mme de Pompadour, the Marquise de Houchin. the Marquis de Nesles. and de Chambonnas and the Comtesse de L’Hospital. Although his business flourished his considerable expenditures forced him into bankruptcy in 1762. Among his creditors were his fellow ebenistes Macret. Hedouin. Dautriche and Lacroix who supplied him with furniture, besides the vernisseur Regnault. The business was taken over by Louis Moreau and the shop renamed ’A la Petite Boule Blanche’.

Genty also commissioned pieces from the provin­cial ebeniste Hache. ‘Phis is confirmed by a bombe commode now in a private collection in France, which can be attributed to Hache from its idiosyncratic mar­quetry in burr-walnut, but which is stamped by Genty. The fine gilt-bronze mounts on this piece are not typical of Hache. and would have been added later by Genty to suit a Parisian clientele.


F. de Salvertc: Les Ebenistes. pp. 136-37


Updated: October 3, 2015 — 6:07 pm