1721-63; MASTER 1761 J can-Frangois Oeben. son of a Catholic postmas­ter. was born on 9 October 1721 at Heinsberg near Ліх-la-Chapelle and the Dutch frontier. Nothing is known of his youth but it is probable that he started his apprenticeship at the usual age of fourteen or fifteen, that is in about 1735-36. and would […]


c. 1720-1800; MASTER 1742; MARCHAND-EBENISTE P ierre Gamier was born in 1720 in Paris, the son of Francois Gamier, ebeniste in the rue du Fau­bourg Saint-Antoine who was active from 1720 to 1774, using the stamp *F. G. He became a master in 1742, and moved from the Faubourg-Saint – Antoine to the rue Neuve-des-Petits-Champs […]


Joseph’s style evolved from sober rococo in the 1750s to an academic Neo-classicism in the 1770s. following a similar course to that of the В. V. R. B. workshop. The earliest pieces date from about 1749: the lacquer encoignures in the National Gallery. Washington, and the Kotschoubey bureau. The lines of his furni­ture are sinuous, […]


Through these dealers. Joseph’s furniture was ac­quired by a glittering clientele. In France the Marquis de Brunoy bought a suite of furniture from Poirier before 1775 comprising a low cabinet and two encoig – nures (Louvre: Grog Bequest), the Duchesse de Mazarin’s sale in 1782 included a suite identical to the Brunoy one but in […]


d. 1772; KBEN4STE PRIVILSGit DU ROI c. 1749 N othing is known of Baumhauer’s youth apart from the fact that he came from Germany and settled in Paris at an unknown date before 1745. the date of his marriage to Reine Chicot, daughter and sister of menuisiers. In 1747 the couple had a son. Gaspard-Joseph. […]


MASTER 1754; MARCHAND-EBENISTE: ACTIVE UNTIL 1770 Denis (ienty. who was established in the Fau – bourg Saint-Antoine, became a master in 1754. A short time afterwards he leased a shop at 9 rue de I’Echelle-Saint-Honore called ‘A la Descente dcs Tuilcries’ where he sold ebenisterie. Among his clients were Mme de Pompadour, the Marquise de […]