Songdo Neighborhood Parks

2nd & 4th Development Zone $E2 ^

Landscape Design : Yooshin Enoineenno Corporation I Location. Incheon. Korea I Landscape Area : 1.379.930r I Design Year: 2001. 12-2003 12

Songdo is aimed at becoming a well-developed new aty in compliance with internalization arid information advance so it can be bom as information, metropolitan and environmentally friendly city. To meet up this goal, the necessity of a new type of a aty park has been emerged. In this regard, the attention on a neighbortiood park in the 2nd and 4th industrial complex, which functions as the center of the cutting-edgy industrial park, specialized in infor­mation-based technology.

The planning of landscape architecture in the 2nd and 4th industrial complex has been grounded on the fact that this should be used as an open space to accommodate local needs and provide a leisure arena for local people as a city park In order to create a park matched with the image of a cutting edge aty, an environment fnendly park is instituted with the maximum utilization of aquiculture that goes along well with greens at proximity. Making an al­lowance that the horizontal scenery in the coastal reclaimed area, it has been attempted to add more diversities with the combination of vertical views with the introduction of mounding. What is more, it has been tried to establish a new outside environment image via the diversification of functions, shapes and facilities of greens while allocating special and transverse features in order to secure greens suitable to the environment friendly dty.

Open space forms an axis of greens to connect all the passages in the park as one by building up the greenery network pursuant to the axis of landscape and greens. The 23rd. 1st and 2nd park are designated as a main-func­tional ones and the 5th and 6th are embodied as the greenery system assimilated well with the physical character­istics of the city. In particular, the 1st buffing greenery, and the 7th. 3rd and 5th in the 2nd and 4th industrial com­plex are designed to set up the greenery network.

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1st Neighborhood ParkWIIS.

Site Area. 213,716 nf Landscape Area: 132,526m

The first vicinity park has realized a goal of becoming a central park of the Songdo new aty with modem and high technology-oriented images with the adaptation of 3 concepts as based on information, free trade and ecological environment. It is also planned to boost its nature-oriented image by creating a Songdo hill that symbolizes the images of Songdo before reclamation and views a blueprint of the new trans­formed images of the city.

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2nd Neighborhood Park Щ2& Е£15НУ Site Area: 160.099 m»1 Landscape Area; 96.577m*

The 2nd vicinity park is consisted as a place to appreciate a Korean traditional mood in contrast to the Techno Park in the upper area and the high technology industry in the information based industrial complex in the lower area Namely, the Songdo new city has been motivated to realize a park of tradition, culture and art with historical and cultural symbols. The concept of traditional culture lias been adapted metaphoncally from 4 sceneries related to the sea. from Incheon 8 sceneries and the embodiment of the ancient independent state of Michoohall Kingdom from the ancient history.

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Site Area: 104,709m1

Landscape Area: 66,1 Ют[1]

7 he 5th vicinity park and 23rd park offer leisure and sports space in connection with an

aquiculture park and consist of an exhibition & promotion theater to attract the participa­tion of the citizens. On entry, diverse routes for entry and exit are installed in considera­tion of approach and different kinds of plants are used for enhancing identification of its d – ifferent routes for entry and exit.

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Site Area: 38.920 m*

Landscape Area: 24.208m’

The 6th vicinity park is made up with a leisure and sports oriented space where visitors can take a re­laxing time surrounded by flowers and greens. Therefore, it is targeted to present landscape gar­dening with greens for a residential area and a nat­ural mood with an organic space linkage and sys­tematic special constitution. Further, it is designed to expect spin off effects of the local development by providing convenience of using the facilities not only for local people and people from netghbonng areas.

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Moster plan

Site Area: 862.486 nf

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Landscape Area: 701.976 m

Updated: October 16, 2015 — 12:44 am