Urban landscape

Urban landscape is basically formed of open and green spaces within an urban environment[14]. However, it is not totally independent from the surrounding buildings and structures. Altogether, they form the character and identity of a city, and sense of place. It contributes to the cityscape by means of aesthetics and function. It also supports urban ecology. It is dynamic and constantly evolving. According to von Borcke (2003) it is not an add-on but rather forms the basis for creating places. Urban landscape elements function as separator and/or connector agents between different land uses. They can form a buffer zone between conflicting uses (e. g. between industrial and housing areas) while they can facilitate movement of citizens throughout the city (e. g. greenways). They have the flexibility to serve for multiple uses and for different group of users in the community (Anonymous, 2009).

Urban landscape also contributes to the cityscape in terms of visual quality. Within dense built environments, it creates a sense of openness and more attractive places to live. Urban landscape helps to balance human-scale in city centers where vertical effect of buildings and structures dominates. It softens the "hardness" of buildings and structures. Well designed and managed urban landscape can improve citizens’ quality of life in many other ways as well. The benefits of urban landscape are explained below.

Updated: October 14, 2015 — 5:20 am