The Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern


Barracks architecture traditionally has little in common with the quality of life. The buildings are arranged and developed from a purely functional point of view, and people are not inten – The original barracks and ded to feel particularly at home. And

the topographical structure. at the time the people who commission­

ed them were scarcely concerned to address the ecological consequences of building. The Allied Forces have been Topography and urban leaving Germany and going home for

structure of the area years now. Quite frequently they leave

as a whole run-down military accommodation

behind, often extensive sites that had little money spent on them and that are usually more of an inherited problem than a welcome gift.

But these sites also have their own potential. They certainly take pressure off the town to provide new building land. But a new estate is only likely to succeed if the planners are creative and the barracks site meets modern require­ments both inside and out. As in the case in the Scharnhauser Park near Ostfildern. This project involves 150 hectares, and is the largest urban devel­opment scheme in the Stuttgart area in the early 21st century. The 2002 regional horticultural show is at the heart of the site, and thus high on the list of regional priorities. Horticultural shows are increasingly inclined towards Even a one-in-100-year innovative approaches to town plan-

storm event was handled ning, and so it was clear from the begin – without problem. ning of the planning process that rain­

water would have to be treated in a new way as well.

Two systems of streams flow below the site, which is on a south-facing slope, and the Scharnhauser Park surface water is useful to these. The Korsch, for example, often threatens to dry up in summer. Additional water would sustain the valuable biotope structure that is the only network worth speaking of in this region for sustaining flora and fauna. On the other hand, to avoid floods, the planners have settled for a different strategy of discharge reduc-


The Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern

The Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern

Site plan showing rain water management


RKB West




RKB Kreuzbrunnen








Retention areas Filter-swale system Rainwater channelling


The Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern

The Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern


tion, discharge delay and modest infil­tration into the clayey subsoil.

The rainwater has now been fully withdrawn from the former mixed water sewer and now flows, when it has not been retained in private storage tanks or in roof gardens, or has soaked away through water-permeable surfaces, through a system of channels and ditches running alongside the streets. This network runs through the new estate as an unmistakable design fea­ture. Here the cascade-like landscape steps, 1.5 kilometres long, are particu­larly striking. This design element is also part of the rainwater management programme: below the steps the living bottom zone purifies the water in addi­tional retention hollows and pools. Discharged water that has been delayed and purified in this way is fed via natu­ral gradients into the surrounding land­scape, with its valuable wetlands, bio­topes and spring areas.

Even if traces of the former military structure show in the urban develop­ment, the water has successfully linked up with the surrounding landscape and its features.


A footpath crossing a drainage ditch, here still under construction


A housing lane with rainwater channels as a play




The Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern

A shallow channel is a footpath and when it rains also a conveyor of rainwater.


Multifunctional grass­surfaced swale areas


The ‘Baumhain’ is a much used urban park with spacious swales which are also play areas.


The Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in OstfildernThe Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern

The Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern

The Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern

The Scharnhauser Park in Ostfildern

Updated: October 4, 2015 — 5:25 am