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### Fully hardy, blossoms may need frost protection ## Can survive in mild regions/sheltered sites J Protect from frost


Easy to grow in a sunny sheltered spot or on a windowsill. Large-leaved is perfect for pesto; smaller and purple­leaved types are ideal for garnish. Also grows well with tomatoes.

Care: Sow indoors, then place outside in pots when risk of frost is over.

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Distinctive flavor. Can grow quite tall, but regular harvesting will keep plants in check. Leave some to flower and set seed—they can also be used in cooking.

Care: Sow seeds direct in growing position at intervals. Protect later crops from harsher weather.

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A perennial. The whole plant is edible. Leaves and seeds have stronger aniseed flavor than the root. Tall and graceful. Blends well with ornamental plants.

Care: Cut back plants in fall or remove heads after flowering to prevent too much self-seeding.

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Comes in a multitude of interesting flavors, with apple mint recommended for mint jelly and sauce. Some have variegated leaves and look ornamental.

Care: Can be very invasive; grow separately in a pot, or plant in a pot within another arrangement.

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Attractive, aromatic evergreen shrub. Looks good in a flower border as well as a herb area. Green, purple, and variegated varieties add further interest. Leaves suit a wide variety of dishes.

Care: Choose well-drained soil mix for containers. Harvest leaves all year round.

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Pretty, low-growing plant—ornamental as well as edible. There are many different varieties and all have lovely flowers. Leaf stalks dry well for cooking.

Care: Choose a warm, dry, sunny site. Cut back hard after flowering to maintain shape.

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Also try… Aniseed, Chervil, Lovage, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Sweet Marjoram, Tarragon

Updated: October 20, 2015 — 3:05 am