New wilderness for land with extensive use

Extensively used public land is another area for wild vegetation. The vast “green” areas of traffic networks or commercial parks in the peri-urban landscape are examples of this type of open space. Today most of this land is cared for by traditional horticultural means. However, budget problems and ecological needs are leading step by step to new maintenance methods that integrate natural vegetation development in their strategies of exten­sive care, leading to vegetation forms that appear wild.

New wilderness as a method for conservation of rural landscapes

Today most strategies for the conservation of landscapes try to preserve ru­ral character using traditional agricultural methods. However there is dis­cussion about the aims and effectiveness of these methods. As a result of cuts in subsidies, these strategies have become questionable. Some meth­ods that have been developed recently work with a strategy of minimal care, including the management of natural vegetation development. This could be another option for new wilderness in the peri-urban landscape.

Wilderness as an element of peri-urban park systems

As the peri-urban landscape becomes a functional part of the urban region its importance for recreational activities grows. New peri-urban park sys­tems have been established recently on the periphery of cities (e. g. a park system northeast of Berlin and the Rhein-Main regional park near Frank­furt) that offer a new type of open space for recreation. The planners aim at a new identity for the peri-urban landscape by integrating different new elements. Due to the small amount of public funds and the large dimen­sions of these parks, it is very probable that areas with wild vegetation will be parts of these peri-urban park systems.

Updated: October 16, 2015 — 12:32 pm